
Lenovo unveils a camera-phone hybrid, a smartphone, and a pocket projector | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Mark Sullivan

Lenovo unveils a camera-phone hybrid, a smartphone, and a pocket projector | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Mark Sullivan: "Pocket Projector Finally, Lenovo let fly with a new mini projector here in Barcelona today. The Lenovo Pocket Projector snaps onto any compatible Android device and super-sizes movies, photos, or business presentations, Lenovo said. The thing will project images up to 110 inches in size on any surface in low-light conditions. It has a 50-lumen light source, and automatically corrects for distortion. It also has a couple of speakers built in for sound. The Lenovo Pocket Projector will be available this month, starting at $199 USD."
This is extra super cool!

Apple hanging billboards on skyscrapers and buildings around the world to showcase iPhone 6 photography | 9to5Mac

Apple hanging billboards on skyscrapers and buildings around the world to showcase iPhone 6 photography | 9to5Mac: "As part of its Shot on iPhone 6 campaign promoting iPhone photography, Apple is now hanging billboard advertisements around the world. The ads feature the photographs in full bleed with a simple ‘Shot on iPhone 6′ tagline. The posters are going up around the world, including some dramatic large billboards on the side of skyscrapers. Pictured above is one such poster (photo taken by Jimmy Grewal on Twitter) being setup on a skyscraper in Dubai."
Ah the joys of huge art. I bet you can see the pixels.