
Apple, Maine Department of Education working to swap 'toy' iPads for MacBooks

Apple, Maine Department of Education working to swap 'toy' iPads for MacBooks: "The Maine Department of Education is working with Apple to give some schools the option of trading in classroom-based iPads for new MacBooks at no cost, as teachers have found the tablets "provide no educational function in the classroom.""

OTOH, a MacBook could change your life by raising your IQ.

To halt smartphone slide, Samsung rewrites playbook

Cover Stories on Flipboard: "We've now gotten to a point where we can secure a baseline profit even if the market stagnates, so long as we don't make a bad mistake," said Kim Gae-youn, vice president in charge of Samsung's smartphone product planning. "I'm confident we can hold our ground."

It's adapt or die and they adapted.

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Fresh on Designspiration: "Artist Nick Smith Presents NSFW Modern"

So original and inside baseball on the Pantone front.