
Samsung halts Galaxy Note 7 sales, tells users to stop using device

Samsung halts Galaxy Note 7 sales, tells users to stop using device: "Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 is in the throes of death. The Korean tech giant on Monday halted global sales of its latest phablet phone, issuing a statement telling owners to power down and stop using the handset as it could pose a safety hazard. "

There is no question that Samsung is a manufacturing powerhouse. And also that competition brings out the best in competitors. I think there's a difference between out-innovating your competition and just copying someone else's work for your own profit. Is this karma? Certainly looks that way.

Is 5-hour Energy better than coffee? Depends on which state you’re in | Ars Technica

Is 5-hour Energy better than coffee? Depends on which state you’re in | Ars Technica: "Two years ago, the attorneys general from Oregon and Washington filed nearly identical lawsuits in their states alleging that 5-hour Energy ads deceived consumers by suggesting the shots are superior to coffee and recommended by doctors. In the last few days, the verdicts came in—and they’re completely opposite."

This product is not just superior to coffee, it's vastly superior to coffee. If you want to really see how well it works, drink half a 5hr with half of a 1l bottle of Smartwater. The effect is synergistic. Aids in focus, concentration, willpower. Hard to describe all the benefits.