
Elon Musk uses this ancient critical-thinking strategy to outsmart everybody else | VentureBeat | Business | by Drake Baer, Business Insider

Elon Musk uses this ancient critical-thinking strategy to outsmart everybody else | VentureBeat | Business | by Drake Baer, Business Insider:
When Musk and his team were trying to estimate how much the first SpaceX rockets would cost, they could have just looked at the products on the market. But as the blog 99u points out, his team didn’t settle for that analogy-based argument. Instead, they figured out what the necessary parts of a rocket were, and then found out how much the raw materials of those parts would cost.

The result was startling: SpaceX could build a rocket for about 2% of the typical price.
Makes you wonder what the other 98% is being spent on...