
I, Cringely Equity crowdfunding finally arrives May 15th: curb your enthusiasm - I, Cringely

I, Cringely Equity crowdfunding finally arrives May 15th: curb your enthusiasm - I, Cringely: "But equity crowd funding under Title III of the Act — crowd funding for regular investors — was controversial from the start, which may help explain why it has taken so long to happen. Once the Act was signed into law in April, 2012 the issue of potential fraud took center stage. Equity crowd funding with its necessarily relaxed reporting and investor qualification requirements looked to some people like a scam in the making. Having barely survived the financial crisis of 2008 promulgated by huge financial institutions, were we ready to do it all over again but this time at the mercy of Internet-based scam artists? "
It's imperative that Wall Street continues to dominate the market for securities fraud.