
iRobot's robotic lawn mower gets U.S. regulatory approval | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Reuters

iRobot's robotic lawn mower gets U.S. regulatory approval | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Reuters: "The Bedford, Massachusetts-based company, known for its robot vacuum cleaner Roomba, has designed a robot lawn mower that would wirelessly connect with stakes in the ground operating as signal beacons, rising above the ground by as much as 24 inches (61 cm)."
This is a great horror movie waiting to happen. No offense nerds.

Ingress developer Niantic Labs is no longer a Google company following Alphabet shakeup | GamesBeat | Games | by Jeff Grubb

Ingress developer Niantic Labs is no longer a Google company following Alphabet shakeup | GamesBeat | Games | by Jeff Grubb
Niantic Labs, which is the developer responsible for creating the massively multiplayer geocaching game Ingress, is now its own, independent company, according to a post on Google+ (via Tech Crunch). Ingress is a game where people use their smartphone’s positioning system to faux-hack real places around the world.

Wot is dat?