
Lenovo unveils a camera-phone hybrid, a smartphone, and a pocket projector | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Mark Sullivan

Lenovo unveils a camera-phone hybrid, a smartphone, and a pocket projector | VentureBeat | Mobile | by Mark Sullivan: "Pocket Projector Finally, Lenovo let fly with a new mini projector here in Barcelona today. The Lenovo Pocket Projector snaps onto any compatible Android device and super-sizes movies, photos, or business presentations, Lenovo said. The thing will project images up to 110 inches in size on any surface in low-light conditions. It has a 50-lumen light source, and automatically corrects for distortion. It also has a couple of speakers built in for sound. The Lenovo Pocket Projector will be available this month, starting at $199 USD."
This is extra super cool!

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