
Back to the Future - Nokia 3310 review | Ars Technica

Nokia 3310 review: No matter how much you think you want it, you don’t want it | Ars Technica: "retro appeal, the Nokia 3310 (buy here) is little more than a Nokia 150 (a basic feature phone that sells for a mere £20) wrapped up in a curved glossy shell"

Sounds like the perfect companion.

Say goodbye to the video store, hello to the non-profit foundation | Ars Technica

Say goodbye to the video store, hello to the non-profit foundation | Ars Technica: "some of the norms of video stores will remain, particularly the rental model, but Scarecrow Project organizers Barr and Joel Fisher, who came to the project as store employees, see the rentals as a way to buoy a greater, brand-new mission of preservation and education."

Death of a salesman.