
Newly identified bacteria cleans up common plastic | Ars Technica

Newly identified bacteria cleans up common plastic | Ars Technica "PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, a plastic with good mechanical, barrier, and optical properties. Bottles for water and soft drinks are just a couple of PET's many, many uses. PET is a polyester compound with a high aromatic content, which makes it chemically inert. As a result, it is typically considered resistant to microbial degradation, although certain fungi grow on a mineral medium containing PET. Roughly 56 million tons of PET are produced each year, and a lot of that ends up in the environment."
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

A history of the Amiga, part 9: The Video Toaster | Ars Technica

A history of the Amiga, part 9: The Video Toaster | Ars Technica "When Jenison read about the capabilities of the Amiga in the August 1985 issue of Byte, he went straight down to the nearest Commodore dealer and bought the first Amiga 1000 that came in. He immediately created a product called DigiView that was a simple video capture device. It would take snapshots of a single frame of video and save it to a floppy disc in the Amiga’s 4096-color HAM mode."
No way!