
Cult of Android - Android users defect to iPhone 6s at unprecedented rate

Cult of Android - Android users defect to iPhone 6s at unprecedented rate Apple’s iPhone family becomes even more successful every year, and the latest models aren’t just a hit with faithful fans. According to new research, the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are attracting Android switchers at an unprecedented rate.
I got a free MotoG in my new digs and I don't miss the iPhone at all.

TSMC may assume full control of 'A10' chip manufacturing for Apple's 'iPhone 7' in 2016

TSMC may assume full control of 'A10' chip manufacturing for Apple's 'iPhone 7' in 2016 With next year's anticipated "A10" processor expected to power the next-generation iPhone, TSMC will likely gain complete control of Apple's processor manufacturing orders, according to a new report.
Samsung and Apple, frenemies forever!