
Microsoft is buying Minecraft, according to rumor | GamesBeat | Games | by Jeff Grubb

Microsoft is buying Minecraft, according to rumor | GamesBeat | Games | by Jeff Grubb: "The publisher is in discussions to snatch up Minecraft developer Mojang for $2 billion, according to The Wall Street Journal. We are working to verify the story, but we cannot confirm the rumor at this time — although WSJ has a history of getting these things correct. The report claims that the deal could go through as early as this week. If Microsoft does seal the deal, it will own an indie-gaming phenomenon. Minecraft has players building Lego-like structures with simple-looking 3D blocks, and it has caught on with players of all ages."
Microsoft knows a good thing. Unlike the worthless acquisitions that the valley seems to favor, I am still amazed that Google/Apple let them get Skype.