
Google News buries news of Google's FTC investigation under Daniel Lyons fluff [updated with response]

Google News buries news of Google's FTC investigation under Daniel Lyons fluff [updated with response]: "..the FTC accidentally leaked the never-released details of its staff investigation to journalists as part of an unrelated freedom of information request, it has erupted into an embarrassing spectacle for Google."
Let us not forget that the entire American media apparatus is essentially a propaganda machine aimed at disseminating the (dis)information that is most beneficial to a financial elite. That those "news" outlets are owned by essentially one corporate voice that selectively reports that which is in the corporation's self-interest.

And that many bloggers are corporate sycophants who would do anything to drive traffic and readership to their blogs or suck a big dick for free review hardware or for a ticket to an Apple PR event. A bastion of journalistic integrity you are not!

The 147 Companies That Control Everything - Forbes: "Three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have taken a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide and analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share ownerships linking them."

It's not like one sees Samsung advertisements displayed on the Apple home page. I mean, really. If you don't like Google, simply use another URL for your search. Now try using an alternative source of water for your home.

I don't know what all the fuss is about, I search with altavista.com and infoseek.com