
'Blank’s Rule': To predict the future, 1/3 of your team needs to be crazy | VentureBeat | Business | by steveblank, Steve Blank

'Blank’s Rule': To predict the future, 1/3 of your team needs to be crazy | VentureBeat | Business | by steveblank, Steve Blank Yet in 1961 LOR was a completely insane idea. We hadn’t even put a man into orbit, let alone figured out how to rendezvous and dock in earth orbit, and some crazy guy was suggesting we do this around the moon. If it didn’t succeed, the astronauts might die orbiting the moon. However, Houbolt wasn’t some crank, he was a member of the Lunar Mission Steering Group studying space rendezvous. Since he was only a mid-level manager, he presented his findings to the internal task forces and the experts dismissed this idea the first time they heard it. Then they dismissed it the second, fifth, and 20th time.

WhatsApp will take on FaceTime with video calling feature

WhatsApp will take on FaceTime with video calling feature Having added voice calling at no extra cost earlier this year, WhatsApp is now reportedly looking to introduce FaceTime-style video calls, according to a new report.
It ain't a standard if it only works on one platform. Sorry, I can't call you, you don't have an Apple device.