
The shocking truth about Silicon Valley genius Doug Engelbart | ZDNet

The shocking truth about Silicon Valley genius Doug Engelbart | ZDNet
Logitech, which made a lot of money from the computer mouse, one of Mr Engelbart's creations, gave him permanent office space."

This shows that there are still a few good people in the world. Even as Egypt falls and insta rises.

'Jobs' movie poster shows Kutcher as technicolor vision of Apple founder

'Jobs' movie poster shows Kutcher as technicolor vision of Apple founder: "With tag lines encouraging viewers to 'Turn on your mind,' the 'Jobs' promo poster shows Kutcher as the iPod-era version of the late Apple CEO, and the color palette isn't too far from what one might have expected from an iPod commercial for that period."

Technicolor - now that's an interesting technology story in itself. Along with Polaroid, a lesson in what the bankers do when the founder is away (or goes away)...