
Windows 10 adoption passes Windows 8.1 on Steam | GamesBeat | Games | by Emil Protalinski

Windows 10 adoption passes Windows 8.1 on Steam | GamesBeat | Games | by Emil Protalinski Valve updated its Hardware & Software Survey today for September 2015, and there’s more good news for Microsoft. Windows’ overall share slipped slightly on Steam, but Windows 10 adoption has managed to pass Windows 8.1 in just two months.
STEAM's the thing, for sure. Personally, I think Windows 10 is great!

Jobs' widow tried to block the release of Steve Jobs movie

Jobs' widow tried to block the release of Steve Jobs movie niversal Pictures chairman Donna Langley is standing by the finished movie and says the studio is, “enormously proud of it.” Apparently, Laurene Powell Jobs was offered an advance screening of Steve Jobs so long as she didn’t publicly discuss it, but she turned it down.
It is a little soon, don't you think?