
Cook says Apple won't race Google to bottom of education market, calls Chromebooks 'test machines'

Cook says Apple won't race Google to bottom of education market, calls Chromebooks 'test machines' At an Hour of Code educational coding session in New York on Wednesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook said his company is interested in building powerful, meaningful products for students and teachers, not inexpensive "test machines" like Google's Chromebook.
Not sure that I'm a fan of Chromebooks, either, but at least on a Chromebook you can write code that powers a Chromebook (Javascript, Chrome extensions, etc). On an iPad, if you want to learn how to write apps for it, you need a Mac. Nothing wrong with that, but I think that means the iPad is not really a machine for launching new coders into the next era. I think the Raspberry PI is the Apple ][ of this generation. I suppose you could write an Apache Cordova application on an iPad. Also, MAD LOGO is interesting.