
Rumor: Next-gen iPhone, 'iPad mini' engineering samples pictured

Rumor: Next-gen iPhone, 'iPad mini' engineering samples pictured: "A pair of reports on Tuesday allege to show an 'engineering samples' of Apple's rumored next-generation iPhone and smaller 7-inch iPad, the latter being one of the first mock-ups to hit the web."

Orange you glad you're not Nokia?


Steve Wozniak on Microsoft Surface: 'Steve Jobs came back reincarnated at Microsoft'

Steve Wozniak on Microsoft Surface: 'Steve Jobs came back reincarnated at Microsoft': "Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak quips Steve Jobs 'came back reincarnated at Microsoft' referring to the Redmond-based company's recent design breakthroughs that have culminated in the new Surface, a tablet which sports a marriage of art and technology reportedly befitting of the late tech guru."

The one Steve with a sense of humor. Seriously, competition brings out the best in people.


'iPad mini' predicted to use same display tech as Apple's iPhone 3GS

'iPad mini' predicted to use same display tech as Apple's iPhone 3GS: "John Gruber of Daring Fireball believes that if Apple does produce a so-called 'iPad mini' for sale this year, it will use the same display as the iPhone 3GS. That's because LCD screens are manufactured in large sheets and are then cut to the size needed, allowing the company to more easily produce 7.85-inch displays with a 1,024-by-768-pixel resolution. "

I'm not sure what makes a fireball daring.