
BBC News - 'It's the economy, clever,' says New York

BBC News - 'It's the economy, clever,' says New York: "Roosevelt Island is a long narrow strip of land beside Manhattan in New York, shaped like a fountain pen that someone dropped in the East River."

Start spreading the news...


Google shutters dedicated Mac-iOS blog due to popularity | MacNN

Google shutters dedicated Mac-iOS blog due to popularity | MacNN
For over five years, Google has offered a dedicated blog that detailed any changes, updates or additions to its line of products and services for Mac and (later) iOS users. The rise of Apple over the last few years, however, has prompted to the company to fold such announcements into its main blogs instead, leaving no reason for a dedicated Mac and iOS blog, and thus the company has filed a final post."

Apparently I'm mainstream again.

Paul Feig's 'The Heat' Adds Online Comic Spoken Reasons - Deadline.com

Paul Feig's 'The Heat' Adds Online Comic Spoken Reasons - Deadline.com
Leaping from YouTube to the big screen, Spoken Reasons has been added to the cast of The Heat. The online comedy star joins Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in the Paul Feig-directed film. Specifics are sketchy but Reasons will play a lead character called “Terrell Rojas.”"


Apple possibly prepping premium podcast model for iOS 6

Apple possibly prepping premium podcast model for iOS 6
A seemingly innocuous "Redeem" button in the new iOS Podcast app could hint at a possible Apple initiative to monetize the popular digital media format which is currently free to listeners."

Let me be the first to say: there is nothing innocuous about the Redeem button.


Apple launches App Store in 32 new countries

Apple launches App Store in 32 new countries
Apple flipped the switch on the App Store in 32 new countries on Thursday, making good on a promise made by CEO Tim Cook during WWDC 2012 that was slightly overshadowed by the unveiling of the MacBook Pro with Retina display and a host of other product launches."
How did you app before app store?


Matthew Modine signs on to play John Sculley in jOBS biopic

Matthew Modine signs on to play John Sculley in jOBS biopic: "Veteran actor Matthew Modine has been added to the cast of the upcoming jOBS biopic and will be playing the role of former Apple CEO John Sculley, who many recognize as being the man who 'fired' Steve Jobs from his own company.
Modine told CBSNews on Tuesday that he would be playing Sculley, the former CEO of Pepsi who was brought in by Jobs to help Apple in 1983 and famously fired the company's co-founder two years later."


US Virgin Mobile iPhone coming as soon as July 1st | Electronista

US Virgin Mobile iPhone coming as soon as July 1st | Electronista: "The Sprint-owned US branch of Virgin Mobile will soon announce prepaid iPhone sales, with a launch taking place as soon as July 1st, according to sources for the Wall Street Journal. No other details are mentioned, but the move would make Virgin Mobile just the second US carrier to sell prepaid iPhones, following an announcement by Cricket Wireless last week. That carrier will start iPhone sales on June 22nd."

There is a time for everything.


ITC judge invokes 'Cheech and Chong' test in Apple-Samsung case

ITC judge invokes 'Cheech and Chong' test in Apple-Samsung case: "According to Bloomberg, Judge Thomas Pender said that the patent design case may boil down to the 'Cheech and Chong' test, which identifies an object using the following no-nonsense qualifications: ‘Does it look like it, feel like it, smell like it?’"

A whole new meaning to look & feel...